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Thursday 9 September 2010

I Can't Help It, I Love...Men in Makeup

The male of our species has been adorning himself long before the seemingly anomolous phenonmenon that is the Metrosexual came along in the early Nineties.  We need only look to the cosmetic predilictions of the ancient civilisations of Egypt (kohl and malachite), Persia (henna), Greece and Rome (white lead and chalk foundation), the Celtic warriors donning of blue-green woad for protection and intimidation of the enemy, Native American Indian warpaint...and so on.  There is no question that men in makeup was acceptable and popular.  In fact, it wasn't until Victorian times that the current attitudes of 'women only' in the cosmetics department became the norm, and that was a reaction to a society's fear of too much sex and pleasure...hmmm

1 comment:

  1. In the animal kingdom, it is the male who has the bright plummage and does the courtship display (showing off). No change there then.
