The Moon. For millenia, our Moon was worshipped, a representation of the Great Goddess, a symbol of life, death, and rebirth. Organised religion, science, and industry have separated us from our pagan ancestors, we rationalise, think logically, and need to have everything proven. But nature, magic, and spirituality can't be put in a box and explained away.
A full moon is a time for us to give thanks, to celebrate, to dream; a time to connect with your inner self and your power.

Enjoy the energy of the moon, express your gratitude for all the gifts our cosmic mother and the universe has give us. Explore your feelings, think about the kind of person you want to be, the things you want to accomplish. It can all happen.
Believe in Magick!
i saw on the news that there was a total eclipse ysterday(?) and i thought it was the prettiest thing ive ever seen! i love the moon. there was also a time when i saw the moon all golden like cheese over the cemetery. if i only had time and my camera, i could have taken a rly nice picture :] anyway love your blog.
soo amazing its your Blog!!!!! =)
Thanks so much! Lovely to 'meet' you! xx RMG