I've been pondering lately. Ruminating on the minutiae of life and how much we miss whilst wallowing in the daily sturm and drang of it all. Thankfulness is key: for friendship and love, fun, our self-made families, fashion, art, beauty, food and drink, and our searches for fulfillment. Even in the midst of unhappiness and overwhelm, we need to remember what is important and continuously (and consciously) remind ourselves of all the good in our lives.
Here is my Monday morning thank you to the Universe:
Merci pour:
Our furry babies, having been woken up by my fantastic hubby with steaming hot tea (with sugar) in bed, being late for where I'm going and laughing instead of cursing about it, the comfort of Converse All-Stars, giant handbags, an overflowing closet, my blackberry, caring friends, the dream of a curry dinner and the promise of Spring.
More please!
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