I like themes. Though incredibly unorganized and most certainly one who flies through life chaotically, I still have weird little pockets of obsession for structure. All things in my cupboard must be just so, my closets separated by colour and fashion character, my shoes lovingly displayed, their proud heels perched precariously, their toes balanced as if by magic, breathlessly awaiting an appreciative footwear voyeur. So it should come as no surprise to you that I create cross-themes within my life, for example: film and food.
Tonight’s dilemma: mon amour has chosen one of his favourite themes for viewing, ‘the zombie’. Please don’t get me wrong, I like a bit of the undead as much as the rest of you and have spent countless hours discussing the escape route of each house we live in, just in case the zombie-pocalypse cometh. I feel quite prepared for the possibility: stay away from the windows, shoot ‘em in the head, etc. etc. But...when it comes to film and food nights, how does one accommodate the poor creatures? Surely, you can’t possibly serve Chinese, a chicken cassarole, or a roast beef? Perhaps lasagna, but that does seem a bit insulting, and we are all about the political correctness these days. I could never imagine spaghetti and meatballs with anything but 'The Godfather', and, for me, hamburgers or hot-dogs places limits on the nationality of the unfortunate beast, again so not PC. What is a befuddled hostess to do?
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