Ah irony.
I started this blog in order to (under Zola's famous advice to all those who aspire to become great writers) write everyday. Days one and two were easy, but day three had me stumped. So stumped that it's been over a month since my first two posts! So where's the irony? My planned topic for day 3 was… inspiration; which obviously, I do not seem qualified to expound on. It has now been many, many days since I have pondered this topic, and I am still perplexed. Well, maybe that's the point.
Inspiration is elusive, magical, fleeting, ephemeral, and at times overwhelming. It can come at the most inopportune moments, or not at all. It can be triggered by the most mundane of things, or require hours of contemplation.
It can be found in your garden, your closet, in the bath. Or even whilst watching telly, reading, or chatting with friends. A look from a stranger, the smell of your signifcant other, the feel of your pet's fur; all these potential moments of beautiful revelation.
The touch of the muse is evanescent, a momentary rapport with the universe. Treat it with respect, nurture the relationship and you never know where she will take you. Bon chance!
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